Writing An Introduction To A Potential Manager


It's widely known that highly successful music executives at management companies and record labels don't like to receive unsolicited music from music makers. So how do you get through the door?

It is always a great idea to get a referral from a trusted source; however, if you don't have someone, you will have to write the introduction email and pray it gets read! Make sure your subject line is clear and to the point and make sure it's personalized. You don't want it to come off as a copy-paste.

It's also a good idea to learn as much as you can about the person you're writing to so that you can find the common thread and maybe even a value alignment. Then comes the music link! Never attach a file, instead link your absolute best song and an invitation to hear more of your "unreleased" tracks if the interest is there.

Remember, we are people who love connecting with people. So, don't be too businessy, just wrote it like you mean it, from the heart. And like all good things, leave them wanting more.

The Singer's Company