Ebony Buckle: “Wonder” (Exclusive Interview)


What inspires your music?

I love telling stories because I think that is how we as humans learn about each other and ourselves. Whether they are true stories or entirely made up, music is how I express my imagination and I love when it ignites that in others.

How did you come up with the video?

The song is about being lost but also finding wonder in the world around you. I wanted to be an explorer of galaxies and also live my Star Trek fantasy! The video was created by the incredible Luke Taylor. We had a zoom chat and I said "I want to be inside a whale flying through space and going into a black hole and coming our in another dimension". And he totally ran with that!

What inspires your songwriting? 

Many many things. It can by my own emotions, a dream I had, an article in the New Scientist (my next song is inspired by one of those), a fairytale I read when I was little, folklore, myths really anything I feel connected to.

What is your genre of music?

At the moment it's conceptual dream pop.

Who are your influences? 

Kate Bush, David Bowie, Imogen Heap, Regina Spektor, Kate Miller-Heidke, PJ Harvey. Mainly musicians who have a strong sense of themselves and their art and seem to be uncompromising about what they make.

How do you define success?

I define success as being able to have autonomy over what I can create and release into the world. If I can make music fulltime and create for the rest of my life I will call that success. Something that is truly helping is my Patreon following that has been growing since I started it last year. All of the music I am releasing, including Wonder, has been funded by my patrons, and I am so grateful to them. To be able to make music full time has changed my life.

What can we expect from you in 2021? 

I'm releasing my first album Disco Lasers! It's going to come out song by song on the first of every month. The next track is out on the 1st of March and it's called The Planet Who Believed. The Visual is once again by Luke Taylor and I'm so excited to share it! It's going to be a big year of music in Ebony Buckle Land xx







“Wonder” On Spotify  

Listen to Wonder on Spotify. Ebony Buckle · Song · 2021.

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