Harrison Smith: Coffee Drip

Harrison Smith-Coffee-Drip.jpg

What inspires your music?

I’d say that my writing is inspired by, and forgive me for being cliche straight off the bat but having a good time. I want people to be able to dance, to sing along and to leave their worries behind after hitting play.  Like many people, music is an escape but it’s also what drives me, it’s what gives me goosebumps and let’s me really let loose.

How did you start your recording career?

Music first took hold of me properly around year nine at school. I was always into the charts and the music my parents had on growing up but never really paid a great deal of attention to what was actually being played or said. I remember a classmate having Guns N’ Roses guitarist Slash’s autobiography at school and the cover art and images of debauchery it conjured up struck a chord in me, pardon the pun, and I dashed back home to discover ‘Appetite of Destruction’ which, excuse the cliche again, really did change my life and opened a world of sound I’d never heard before.  Following this I grabbed  a guitar that was lying around the house and spent every waking minute learning riffs and mastering solos. Before long, I’d discovered Oasis, the Beatles (where had I been?!) and songwriting. 

 How did you come up with your single? 

I find relationships fascinating. How they progress, how they can rise and fall and how nowadays with everything broadcasted online people can follow a relationship's every move. It got me thinking about the worries, concerns and expectations that are experienced in dating. ‘Coffee Drip’, my most recent single is the story of someone having to give up something they love in order to appease their partner, the ‘something’ in question being coffee! The track was recorded remotely through the lockdown period, working with producer Jake Schneider.

 What is your genre of music?

Indie Pop n’ Roll’, I reckon that’s a thing right?

Who are your influences? 

The earliest memory I have of a particular artist making an impact was Elvis Presley. The uncaged and raw nature of his early albums and shows still inspire me. There’s something almost dangerous about his stage presence, how he bashed around the acoustic guitar attacking the strings like a snare drum; you can feel the rhythm pulsating through those early recordings. It was a few years later when  I discovered artists like Example and Arctic Monkeys. My world was fully set alight upon hearing David Bowie’s ‘Suffragette City’ Nothing before had excited me so much and it gave me the creative kick to start writing my own songs.

How do you define success?

Being happy! Streams, views, sales aside, if I am happy and enjoying myself with whatever it is I’m doing then surely THAT is success!

What can we expect from you in 2020? 

2020 has been an odd one hasn’t it? However bananas the world has seemed at times it’s certainly been a creative goldmine. Having just released my new single ‘Coffee Drip’ I’ve been considering what single comes next. Do I go for the deep issue-tackling ballad or for the party fueled upbeat bop? Stay tuned!

Listen to Coffee Drip on Spotify. Harrison Smith · Single · 2020 · 1 songs.

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